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Full Moon Energy Blog Post!!

I am excited to share with you, the energies of this month’s Full Moon, written by Tammy Kim, Founder of Body Plant Sky. I will be featuring her here in my blog on Monday, 5/15 so to learn more about her, her offerings and this month’s New Moon, be sure to check back! I will post reminders on our Instagram and Facebook page so be sure to follow us and sign up for our mailing list so you don’t miss anything!

Without further ado, insightful perceptions from the beautiful Tammy Kim!

Friday, May 5th, 1:34 PM EST

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio, Sun in Taurus in conjunction with Uranus, and Mercury in Retrograde.

“The Taurus/Scorpio axis has always been about our outer world vs. our inner world, our daily tasks, and how we go about getting things done to make our world go round vs. the depths of our feelings and deep desires. Taurus is about practicality, consistency, comfort, and sensual pleasure in a superficial sense. Scorpio energy is about the depths of our darkness, inner world, psychic and intuitive feelings, and expression of deep desire. The Taurus/Scorpio axis has an underlying need for trust, security, power, desire, and expression.

This full moon we are asked to tap into the truth of what we want vs the roles and responsibilities we are beholden to. Do they match? Do they work together? Do they coexist?

With Uranus, the planet of freedom, rebellion, and creativity, conjunct with the Sun and in opposition with the moon, we may be feeling an overwhelming feeling to break free from the same routines that otherwise ground us.

Use this full moon to try out a new way of expressing yourself to break free from the predictability of life, unlock deep desires, or release old limiting beliefs.”

I hope you enjoyed this and helped you understand the vibes you perhaps were feeling and didn’t even know where they were coming from. I look forward to sharing more!

All the love,


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